
About the Book

Unremitting Solace will remind you of things that you already know, and you’ll experience a feeling of encouragement and understanding within yourself which will favorably complement a choice for change. It will move you toward your dreams and goals and toward discovering spiritual awakening.

Unremitting Solace:
Everything Is Within Us and Without Us

T his book is the result of the culmination of years of experiencing all that there is—of acceptance, faith, love, forbearance, and a true calling to uphold a world in common. You will realize that you are a fine and beautiful individual no different from any other being. When you read this book it will help you to see the struggles of life without holding on to the pain. You will be able to accept life as it happens and understand the development of your own growth as well as reaching unremitting solace.

The poems are alive from deep soul living and at times painful, but encompassing ultimate earthly kindness and compassion. Reading these poems will entice you to realize true and consoling circumstances for a deeper development of your humanity that will brighten, console and appease your soul.

Where Else You Can Buy?

Gibraltar Bookshop, Main Street, Gibraltar

Gibraltar Bookshop, Main Street, Gibraltar

A bookshop selling books all about the Rock.

Heritage Trust Museum

Heritage Trust Museum

Government of Gibraltar

What Readers Are Saying

  • Empathy, kindness, compassion, humanity, should all be part and parcel of our day to day activities, as is LOVE;
    for without these ingredients life will not be worthwhile for YOU or those around you.
    Read on, read deeply, read with conviction, read understanding every word, read knowing full well that what you want to do with what you read is to make it effective for everyone that surrounds you including YOURSELF – ENJOY
    Unremitting SOLACE is highly recommended.

    Sonia Golt
  • Illuminating and Inspiring In practical language, Ms. Benrimoj illustrates the development of unity consciousness, a love that encompasses all beings, and the realization of the unlimited potential of all. A definitively worthwhile read!

    J. Adam Milgram
  • Have you ever met an angel? I have. Coty Benrimoj has been touched by divine intervention. When you read her book, the poems, you will realize she has been given a spiritual gift. She was awakened in the dead of night and had to arise and write what had been put into her head. She is amazing. Please see what I mean by reading her book, you won't be disappointed.

    Jan Riggins
  • Simple, profound and uplifting! Without reservation, I heartily recommend this book. Life can sometimes become overwhelming and this book can Help to focus on what is really important. It makes you look at life in a positive way and to be thankful for what you have.

    James & Miriam Byrne
  • This book is more like a personal journey through deeply touching poetry. Benrimoj's words connect the reader to her own understanding of the world in a way that allows the reader to create their own understandings. This book is a book of truths for anyone hoping to discover more about themselves. After reading the entire book in order, I find myself going back to Benrimoj's work and re-reading one or two works when they call to me. The best thing about this book is its ability to offer words of inner peace, acceptance, and tolerance that surely ring true to all readers.

    Ashley L. Gabriel, MA
  • I loved absorbing every word, thought and feeling in "Unrimitting Solace." It often felt like a cherished friend was gently conveying her words of wisdom to me. Things I've thought about and known, but here it all was written down beautifully and with such feeling and sincerity. I then shared the book with my 91 year old Mother, who is not a "reader". Yet she also could not put the book down and read it again and again, reading passages out loud to me that were particularly poignant to her. A wonderful book! Wonderful moments sharing with my Mom! Many kudos and thanks to Coty Benrimoj. I so look forward to reading more from her.

    M. L. Bass
  • Thought provoking, inspiring, and well worth the read! From the first chapter I could tell this would be a book that encourages and offers peace, solace, accepting, and coping. I love the author's coverage of feeling, analyzing, and dealing with emotions. Her topics on fear vs. achieving greatness are thought provoking. Share this book with your friends and loved ones and have discussions about the topics that are covered. They are covered so well by the author! Very thought provoking book and full of wisdom.

    Seta Demirjian
  • In her book, “Unremitting Solace”, Coty Benrimoj gives us a collection of gentle, loving nudges towards inner awareness and self-reliance. These are poems to drink in slowly, like fine tea or a beautiful sunset. These are not feel-good poems to be rushed through for a smile. Rather, they are hard nut poems to be caressed until we split them open to nibble their meaning. Your patience will reward you with a very personal connection to the divinity of our daily lives, expressed in a unique way that will linger long afterwards. As nuggets to be pondered, they are wonderful as daily readings.

    Anna Stout
  • Soul language Beautiful book, food for the soul. A soul soothing and replenishing book, full of words filled with love and wisdom.

    Giselle Leah
  • Have you ever been sad, hopeless or just plain depressed by situations in this life? Need a boost to get started again and continue? The former psychological states are to be avoided. Life can be simple if you just follow the rules. What are the rules? I don’t know, but if you read Coty Benrimoj’s book “Unremitting Solace” you may be able to start figuring them out. The author, Ms. Benrimoj has had her share of very tough times but she has always managed to overcome. With these experiences and her active mind, she has amassed a plethora of advice on states of mind and action for living effectively in serenity in our world. Refreshingly, there is no negativity in Ms. Benrimoj’s book. Zero! Nada! Only positive. Regardless of your state of enlightenment I believe you will get something positive from the book. You may say “I know or thought of that.” But you may have lost your memory of it in face of all that goes on in your busy life. Thus, I not only recommend you get and read a copy of Ms. Benrimoj’s book, but review the book from time to time until the advice is embedded in your brain. I challenge you to look randomly at any page in Ms. Benrimoj’s book. You will find useful information on each page.

    Richard A. Madsen, PhD
  • As I look at how my own life has unfolded in a similar way; allowing, accepting, taking responsibility and relinquishing an understanding when the lesson is to just "let it be", has given me a peaceful confirmation of all that I understand that life is truly founded in love. Loving self as well as all that is, with gratitude and compassion in all things. Solace is comfort, unremitting solace is comfort in knowing all is as it should be with love grounding me from a higher power that I do not always understand, but find solace in.

    JillMarie Sevier
  • Coty Benrimoj is to be applauded not only for her own personal development throughout her life but for her generosity of heart and spirit. She has listened to her heart's desires and followed them, both in becoming a motivational speaker and in writing her book. Unremitting Solace ‘is the result of the culmination of her years of experiencing all that there is of acceptance, faith, love, forbearance, and a true calling to uphold a world in common’ . I am delighted that she chose to quote from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 in her introduction as part of her learning because it is very inspirational and shows her appreciation for pure love. However, Coty is not just content with having discovered the beauty and power of self love and self acceptance, she seems to be on a mission to help others on their life’s journey to discover for themselves how they can improve the quality of their own lives especially through their own self acceptance. The reason for writing her book according to Coty is ‘To enable, empower and support, to nourish, to instill love, patience and understanding and send love and maintain it myself through sharing my knowledge and experience in life.’ How selfless is this? It is people like Coty that help make the world a better place by helping to empower individuals to be happier and most of all as she puts it to ‘Laugh with our hearts wide open’ A truly inspirational reading!

    Emily Adamberry-Olivero, MBE, MBPsS, MScPsych, PGSocSci, BSc(Hons)Psych, DipCouns CEO, Clubhouse Gibraltar

Video Interview

Motivational speaker sells self-help book for Clubhouse Gibraltar

Motivational speaker, Coty Benrimoj, gave a presentation Wednesday evening to raise funds for local charity, Clubhouse Gibraltar. The Gibraltar-born poet has been living in California since the 80s and returned to the rock for this fundraiser and everyone who attended received a copy of her book: “Unremitting Solace”.

About the Author

Coty Abecasis Benrimoj

B orn in Gibraltar, Europe, is bilingual and bicultural in Spanish and English. She currently lives in Carlsbad, California, where she made her home in 2003 after immigrating to the United States in 1983. Her husband, Jacob, has shared her life for thirty-nine years. They have an adult daughter and son who also reside in California. Being a mother and wife has been the first priority in her life. Now at sixty-one, she is evolving, transforming, and becoming all that she can be, and one of the things that rings true to her being is to be present.

Contact Coty

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